Friday, August 3, 2007

Transformational Waves

God has historically transformed, cities, regions, and states in a series of transformational waves. These waves have been called many things: moves of God, moves of the Spirit, Revivals, great awakenings, City revivals, Tent meeting revivals, etc. What ever they have been called, they have been Characterized by
  1. An extented period of intercessory prayer by indivudals, small groups, then larger groups crying out for God's Presence
  2. Confession and true repentance by those in spiritual authority,
  3. A direct touch of the Hand of God through his Holy Spirt
  4. Manistations of God through clear and unexplainable events, healings, Inspired preaching and prophetic ministry
  5. An expansion of the influence of the Body of Christ in the local Culture

Then, when the wave passes over, there is a time of obsorbtion, of disicpleship, of maturing, and of proving the transformation. The real grows, and the false falls away, reatreating.

  • Each wave brings transformational change. It does its work, and leaves a deposit that prepares the ground to obsorb the nutirants coming in the next wave.
  • Parts of the Land will be ready for the next wave, parts of the land will retreat back to how it was before. Sometimes whole regions retreat back in rejection, sometimes the land remains redeemed.

There seem to be five transformational waves that pass over the land

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