Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What is Enterprising Ministry?

An Enterprising Ministry is:

  • A Business or wholistic mission, church or church equipping organziation
  • With a Matthew 6:10 passion and commitment
  • A specialized, passion, mission, organizaiton, set of skills and tools which equip their members to serve their anointed purpose
  • A wholistic mission, church or church equipping organziation with a Matthew 6:10 Purpose

They :

  • Operate under Their God-given spiritual authority
  • Are anointed for their organizational role
  • Act with Integrity and excellence
  • Have a God given own sustainable funding and enterpise model
  • Understand and commit to the network covenant process
  • Share best practices, and are willing to collaborate and not compete

Monday, July 30, 2007

Relationships between Enterprising Ministries - Teams and Task Forces

Teams And Task Forces

Biblical Case
What do we mean by Team?
What do we mean by Taskforce?
What do we mean by a Network Organziation?
What do we mean by Covenant Process?
Why is the structure temporary?
Example of a Teams
Example of a Task Force
What can teams and task forces Do?

Dynamics in the Body of Christ that Shape the Four Dimensions

  1. Post Denominationalism
  2. Spirit Driven Relationships
  3. Sacred-Secular Divide Myth
  4. City, State, National Transformation Movement
  5. The Sepration of the Sheep and the Goats
  6. Convergance
  7. Intercessory Prayer and the Prophetic
  8. The Emerging Church
  9. Multi-National Coordination
  10. The Purpose Driven Movement
  11. Persecution of the Church is on the rise