Why should we look at old principles in new ways? Because often does new things illustrating old principles. When God took at least 3 million slaves out of Egypt, all at once, in complete freedom, it was a brand new thing to the Jews, but it was an old principle: God hearing and answering the cries of his people.
When God returned the Jews from Babylonian captivity to Israel after 70 years, it was Brand new to most Jews, but again God was hearing and answering the cries of his people.
God redeemed his people in Five distinct Stages.
- He heard the cry of his people in the Land, and answered them - He sent Moses to plant the seed that they could be free.
- He prepared His people to believe they could be free by soaking them in miracle after miracle, visiting the Egyptians with Plague after Plague. Then
- He Set them Free, and provided all their needs.
- In the Desert, he grew and developed them from a slave nation into a nation ready to occupy their land of promise. He raised up leaders to occupy their rightful place of service to each other. They learned to serve God and not themselves.
- He moved them into Israel under Joshua, transforming the land as they went, little by little. Because if he removed the people before they could occupy the land the wild animals would have taken over.
Then they gave up the Land choosing their own way
He used a similar cycle to transform the new testament church, until The the Roman empire began to be transformed,
Then they gave up the Land choosing their own way
God used professional Missionaries and migration movements to move into the new world, into America and Other Western Countries
And we are giving up the Land choosing our own way, as Europe did
Now, today, He is doing an old work in a new way.
He has been working to transform nations in the East, in China, in India, and they will in turn return to Western Asia, back to Israel itself.
He is transforming nations, in His time, and His way, until all of his Children have heard the name of Jesus and can choose to accept or Reject Him.
Islands, regions, countries around the world are all in various stages of transformation, except for those nations who have not yet hear the Name of Jesus, but who will.
So what must we do?
- We must understand that we are called to serve his purpose on Earth now, to inhabit the good works he created for us before we we were born
- We must find the people with whom we are to serve
- We must live integrated lives, with no compartmentalization, one set of rules, not two.
- We must find where our enterprising ministry fits
- We must join our ministries together in Task forces to accomplish his purposes
This is a not a new thing, but a very old thing, using contemporary tools he has placed in our hands.
So let's examine contemporary issues and works of God in the Body of Christ, to see what He is preparing us to do.