mountains. We would further define this by saying that the holistic church, not just the religious leadership has a message for each of these areas. Glenn white, with Business without Borders , among others teaches more about this subject.
We believe that God himself, through the Holy Spirit, will redeem every aspect of every culture, not by the direction of man but by the direction of the Holy Spirit.
- Therefore, We intend to gather data and categorize it using these 7 Dimensions.
These data are intended to serve:
- Those doing Spiritual Mapping
- Those praying and working for transformation and redemption of these areas.
- The are many, many evangelical Christian Believers in the Body of Christ God has called and is calling to work in each dimension.
The 7 dimensions, listed at left by Archive are:
1. Religion
2. Family
3. Education
4. Government and Law
5. Media and Communication
6. Arts and Entertainment
7. Business and Finance
-Go the regions and countries at left where you can find the data by country